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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

peace politics

Sometimes we get undeserved praise and also sometimes we get undeserved blame. It happened in case of Barack Obama and the father of our nation. Barack Obama, who didn’t deserve the nobel prize, unfortunately got that. Why Obama is thinking- he did not deserve it, may be his contribution towards peace is not up to the mark. Now Barack is famous because he is the president of USA, but the Nobel Committee thought that Barack is famous for the peace activities to establish peace in the world. He got the nobel prize for his initiatives to reduce nuclear weapons and establish peace in the world. The members in the nobel prize committee may be unaware about of the fact that America is the only country in the world that had used atom bombs against Japan and also America has the highest number of nuclear weapons in its hand. Whereas the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi who spent all of his time for peace didn’t get Nobel Committee’s attention. Obama may achieve something more in a little time what Gandhiji could not achieve in his life time. May be Mahatma Gandhi’s initiatives, knowledge, deeds is negligible compared to Obama in terms of peace so that he could not be nominated for the nobel prize but they gave nobel prize to such a person who himself could not able to know why he got the prize!

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